The Foundation wishes to make the IÉSEG experience possible without social, cultural or geographical distinction. This diversity promotes the success of all students. Our activities within the Foundation take place before, during and after IÉSEG.
Upstream activities of the School
> Information, visibility, raising awareness of the IÉSEG professions and environment.
- We give access to professional, educational and cultural horizons in a spirit of openness and sharing in order to:
- Raise awareness of the School within Priority Urban Neighbourhoods (QPV) and Rural Revitalisation Zones (ZRR) and combat the self-censorship of some young people while responding to local issues.
- Organise visits to our two campuses with access to workshops for secondary school students.
- Create an IÉSEG Summer school including visits to companies in order to raise awareness of careers and training.
- Set up workshops to prepare for the IÉSEG competitive entrance exam.
Discover the testimonial of Adrien JACTA
Discover the testimonial of Marina Maki EBO
Actions during schooling
> The attribution of grants adapted to each individual talent.
- Three grants are available to meet the needs of our French and international student community and support as many students as possible each year:
- Emergency grants: to help students who are suddenly faced with complicated temporary situations.
- Equal opportunities grants: to give students confidence and remove financial barriers that might prevent them from continuing their studies at IÉSEG.
- Health grants: to meet the specific needs of students with visible and non-visible disabilities.
Discover the testimonial of Kellie FLORVILLE
Discover how to finance your education at IÉSEG
> Mentoring for the transmission of theoretical skills and soft skills
- With the support of our entire ecosystem, including IÉSEG’s Network and the Career Centre, the aim is to provide specific support for students:
- Before starting on their studies at the School, in order to help them prepare for the entrance exam
- During their training, to work on their posture and get to know themselves better, in particular to refine their career plans.