Ambassadors play a crucial role in the development of the IÉSEG Foundation.
- Wherever you are (France or abroad), anyone can become an ambassador (students, employees, graduates, etc.) provided that you:
- Become a donor to the IÉSEG Foundation
- Agree to be a volunteer
- Follow the onboarding process
- Sign the IÉSEG Foundation’s ambassador charter
Their mission is to contribute actively to the implementation of the Foundation’s actions, to develop the network by working alongside committed local players, and to help the Foundation raise its profile in France and abroad. Ambassadors can choose one or more missions.
Organising events
> to get involved in developing donations.
Ambassadors can be involved in the planning and implementation of projects and events organised by the Foundation. Working closely with Foundation members, ambassadors can help organise events such as after work events with IÉSEG Network, conferences, round tables and charity evenings. They bring innovative ideas and fresh perspectives to enhance existing events.
Relaying our communications
> to raise the Foundation’s profile.
Ambassadors can promote the Foundation through their network. By promoting events, they increase participation and awareness of the Foundation. A communication kit will be sent to them, along with instructions on how to use our communication tools.
Participating in the synergy between the School and the Foundation
> to be as close as possible to the needs of the student community.
Ambassadors may wish to share their professional, social and human skills involving one or more priority actions selected by the Foundation.
To find out more about joint School/Foundation initiatives, contact Hélène GENÉTY.